Punit Gandhi

Compass Summer 2012


Differential Equations , Virginia Commonwealth University, Fall 2019.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisite: MATH 201 with a minimum grade of C. Solutions of ordinary differential equations of first order. Solutions of higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients and variable coefficients by the methods of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters, solutions by Laplace transforms and applications.
-Class activities, demos, practice exams and other resources: Math 301 (link coming soon)

Linear Algebra and Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, Ohio State University, Autumn 2017.
An introduction to linear algebra, systems of odinary differential equations and partial differential equations using a flipped classroom format. Applications in physics, biology, image analysis and web page ranking algorithms are emphasized.
-Class activities, demos, practice exams and other resources: Math 2174 (link coming soon)

Introduction to Measurement Uncertainty, UC Berkeley, Spring 2013.
A lower division laboratory course in which students improve a thermal expansion experiment using an iterative method of collecting data, analyzing uncertainty, and proposing changes to the apparatus/model.
-Details about the apparatus: Am. J. Phys., 81, 338 (2013).
-Details about the course curriculum: Am. J. Phys., 84 (9), 696--703 (2016).

Graduate Student Instructor (GSI)

Physics for Future Presidents, UC Berkeley (non-majors).
-Head GSI: Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014.
-Guest lecture on waves and resonance (Fall 2013): video

Electromagnetism and Optics (upper division), UC Berkeley, Fall 2012.

Analytic Mechanics (upper division), UC Berkeley, Spring 2012.

Electricity and Magnetism for Scientists and Engineers (lower division), UC Berkeley, Fall 2011, Summer 2012.

Introductory Physics (non-majors), UC Berkeley, Fall 2007, Spring 2008.

Summer Programs and Workshops

Workshop Instructor, Berkeley Compass Project, UC Berkeley.
Curriculum Development and Classroom Design (Summer 2015).
Co-facilitator for teacher training sessions in preparation for summer program.

Summer Program Instructor, Berkeley Compass Project, UC Berkeley.
Co-designed and co-instructed an intensive physics-based summer program for incoming freshmen aimed at building community and promoting diversity in the physical sciences.
Can a falling slinky defy gravity? (August 2012).
Curriculum based around a slinky drop experiment that uses multiple, complementary models to understand why the bottom of the slinky seems to levitate. Details about curriculum: Phys. Teach., 56 (3), 134--137 (2018).
What is time? (August 2008).
Curriculum explored the concepts of special relativity and their implications on our understanding of time.

Middle School

MS 101, Bronx, NY.
Teacher, Life Science and Math, 7th grade, 2005-2006.
Teacher, Earth Science, 8th grade, 2004-2005.
Coach, Lego Robotics and Science Olympiad Team, 2004-2006.