| In Preparation |
Scientific Journal Articles |
Other Scientific Publications |
Education Publications |
In Preparation
- A Fast-Slow Model of Banded Vegetation Pattern Formation in Drylands.
P Gandhi, S Bonetti, S Iams, A Porporato, M Silber. (In Preparation).
- Bifurcations on completely inhomogeneous networks.
P Gandhi, M Golubitsky, C Postlethwaite, I Stewart, Y Wang. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Sys. (Accepted).
Scientific Journal Publications
- A topographic mechanism for arcing of dryland vegetation bands.
P Gandhi, L Werner, K Gowda, S Iams, M Silber. J. R. Soc. Interface. 15(147), 20180508.
- Implications of tristability on pattern forming ecosystems.
Y Zelnik, P Gandhi, E Knobloch, E Meron. Chaos, 28, 033609 (2018).
- Spatially localized structures in the Gray--Scott model.
P Gandhi,Y Zelnik, E Knobloch. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A. 376(2135), 20170375 (2018).
- Slanted snaking of localized Faraday waves.
B Pradenas, I Araya, M G Clerc, C Falcón, P Gandhi, E Knobloch. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2, 064401 (2017).
- Dynamics of phase slips in systems with time-periodic modulation.
P Gandhi, C Beaume, E Knobloch. Phys. Rev. E, 92, 062914 (2015).
- A new resonance mechanism in the Swift--Hohenberg equation with time-periodic forcing.
P Gandhi, C Beaume, E Knobloch. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Sys., 14(2), 860--892 (2015).
-Featured media gallery entry in SIAM's Dynamical Systems Magazine, July 2015.
- Localized states in periodically forced systems.
P Gandhi, C Beaume, E Knobloch. Phys. Rev. Lett., 114, 034102 (2015).
- Oscillator seeding of a high gain harmonic generation free electron laser in a radiator-first configuration.
P Gandhi, G Penn, M Reinsch, J S Wurtele, W M Fawley. Phys. Rev. ST - Accel. Beams, 16(2), 020703 (2013).
- Theoretical study and simulation for a nanometer laser based on Gauss--Hermite source expansion.
X-W Gu, P Gandhi. Laser Phys. Lett., 11(1), 019801 (2013)
Conference Proceedings, Book Chapters and Other Scientific Publications
- Vegetation Pattern Formation in Drylands
P Gandhi, S Iams, S Bonetti, M Silber. Dryland Ecohydrology. second edition, 469--509 (2019).
- Time-periodic forcing of spatially localized structures
P Gandhi, C Beaume, E Knobloch. Nonlinear Dynamics: Materials, Theory and Experiments, Springer Proc. Phys. (2016).
- The radiator-first HGHG multi-MHz x-ray FEL concept
M Reinsch, G Penn, P Gandhi, J Wurtele. Proc. FEL Conf. (2012).
- Tunable Soft X-Ray Oscillators
J Wurtele, P Gandhi, X-W Gu, W M Fawley, M Reinsch, G Penn. Proc. FEL Conf. (2010).
- Relativistic jets from accretion disks.
R V E Lovelace, P Gandhi, M M Romanova. Astrophysics and Space Sciences, Vol. 298, 115--120 (2005).
- Immunoadjuvants in treatment of metastatic breast tumors using selective laser photothermal interaction.
W R Chen, M D Lucroy, H Liu, K E Bartels, B Jassemnejad, S L Barker, P Gandhi, and R E Nordquist. SPIE Proc., Vol. 4257, 1-8, (2001)
Education Publications
- A Tale of two slinkies: Learning about
model building in a student-driven classroom.
C Bergren, P Gandhi, J A Livezey, R Olf. Phys. Teach., 56 (3), 134--137 (2018).
- Attending to experimental physics practices and lifelong learning skills in an introductory laboratory course.
P Gandhi, J Livezey, A M Zaniewski, D L Reinholz, D R Dounas-Frazer. Am. J. Phys., 84 (9), 696--703 (2016).
- Uncertainty analysis for a simple thermal expansion experiment.
D R Dounas-Frazer, G Z Iwata, P Gandhi. Am. J. Phys., 81, 338 (2013)
- The Compass Project: Charting a new course in physics education.
N Roth, P Gandhi, G Lee, and J Corbo. Points of View, , January 8, 2013